
"...Are we really going in there? Kisoni, let’s go home after all."
"What are you saying now, Kumasuke? The Smiling Goddess Statue is waiting inside there. Let's go!"
"Ohhh, my tummy hurts."
It was a small island in the southern sea. There was a shabby little boat trying to dock there. Kisoni and Kumasuke were on the boat. They were treasure hunters, going on adventures around the world in search of treasures. Whenever they heard there was a treasure, they traveled anywhere in the world to find it. This time, their target was a treasure called the "Smiling Goddess Statue."

The boat slowly entered a limestone cave created by erosion from the sea. Now they couldn't hear the waves anymore; they could only hear the rowing of the boat and the splash, splash of water drops falling into the sea.
"This dark sea is scary, isn't it, Kisoni? When I think that a huge creature might be squirming I : ■■■■■ our boat... Aaahh, Kisoni! Let's go home!"
"Be quiet already."
「暗い海ってこわいよね、キソニー? ぼくたちの舟の下に巨大な生物がうごめいていたりとか考えると…。あああ、キソニー!帰ろう!」

As they went deeper into the cave, the sea became narrow like a II : ■■■■■ . At a place where the water stopped, they got off the boat and decided to continue on foot. Kisoni lit a torch. The III : ■■■■■■ light flickered.

"This cave is scary, isn't it, Kisoni? You know, when I think that a frightening monster might jump out of the shadows... Aaahh, Kisoni! Let's go home!"
"Not IIII : ■■■■■ ! I'll leave you here, I swear! Good grief."
「洞窟ってこわいよね、キソニー? ほら、暗いところからおそろしいモンスターが飛び出してくるとか考えると…。あああ、キソニー! 帰ろう!」
「またかい! 置いてくよ! もう」

Kisoni and Kumasuke continued through the cave. "Oh! Past that wall!" There was a rock wall with countless holes, created by years and years of erosion. They could see something beyond the holes...
2人は洞窟を進んでいきます。「あっ! あの壁の奥!」そこには、長い年月をかけて浸食された無数の穴があいている岩壁がありました。その穴の向こうに見えるのは…。

"It's the Smiling Goddess Statue!"
Kisoni and Kumasuke jumped for joy. Through the holes, they could see the goddess statue looking at them patiently, wearing a gentle smile.
"She's beautiful..."
"It is said that long ago, the V : ■■■■ used all of his wealth to build this goddess statue."

However, the rock wall was in the way, and they couldn't get close to the goddess statue. Above the rock wall, it was written, "Recite the spell to destroy this rock wall."
"A spell, huh? Hm? Perhaps these holes..."
Kisoni took out paper and a pen, and began to write something.
"If we take the answers to the riddles, and put them in these holes..."
"Hey, listen, Kisoni."
"I get it. If you read here, it forms the spell!"
"Be quiet already!"
Kisoni looked over at Kumasuke. Kumasuke's head was completely stuck in one of the holes.
"I thought I could go through, but now I can't get out."

Kisoni pulled Kumasuke out with all his might; now Kumasuke's head was square like the shape of the hole.
"Okay, I'll recite the spell, square bear!"
"You don't have to say 'square.' All right, all together now, ×◯★◇◎▼□!"
They recited the spell that they had figured out, but nothing happened.
"Hmm... maybe it was wrong..."
Just then, Kisoni spotted something written in the corner of the cave.
"This is..."

Can Kisoni and Kumasuke solve the riddle and get the Smiling Goddess Statue?
From beyond the holes, the goddess statue watched Kisoni and Kumasuke patiently, with a gentle expression on her face.
はたしてキソニーとクマ助は、謎を解き明かして、ほほえみの女神像を手に入れられるのでしょうか? 穴の向こうから、女神像は穏やかな表情でじっとキソニーたちのほうを見ていました。
\ ほほえみの女神像を
手に入れるための呪文 /